Mina R Zheng
First Name
Last Name
R Zheng
Brief Bio

Mina was born in Southern China and moved to Australia in 1990. My Feng Shui studies began with my family, and in particular with my father, who is a well known Tai Chi master, Chinese Metaphysic researcher and writer. I have studied with Grand Master Shao Wei Hua in Gunagzhou, who is among top ten feng shui masters in China, following my studies with him, he personally awarded me the title of Feng Shui Master and Zhou Yi Predition Master. In addition to these studies, I have also studied in Malaysia with the international master Lillian Too, as well as with the international master Raymond Lo in Hong Kong. I now have a busy international practice, with regular visits to Tokyo. In addition to my feng shui studies, I have also gained an MBA degree whilst in Australia. The business background arising from this assists my perspective in many consultations, particularly with commercial clients.