Julie Murdock
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Member Since
Feng Shui Lifstyle & Design
Brief Bio

Julie is a Trained Nurse who has worked in the Health industry as well as the Residential & Corporate industry running her own businesses for a great many years.

Julie has used both her experience and training to present tailored courses on Self Development & Stress Management for corporate and personal purposes through Infinite Business Solutions.

Julie has had an interest in Feng Shui for the last 10 years. Having read many books on the subject, which she found very confusing and contradictory, Julie, decided to obtain formal training in Feng Shui through a Master of Traditional Feng Shui, the world famous Master Joseph Yu.

Julie is a member of the Association of Feng Shui Consultants .

Having researched and studied over a period of years, like most Feng Shui Specialists Julie feels she will be studying this art for the rest of her life. A prospect she finds both exciting and challenging.

Julie developed Feng Shui Lifestyle & Design to give Individuals, Residential & Corporate clients, Authentic and Professional Services. To bring Balance to their Environment, and promote Prosperity and Well Being for all.

Julie has now started to develop Property Styling and Interior Design as a part of the services she can offer. Having completed a professional Home Staging course and now embarking on Interior Design Julie feels she has a lot more to offer her clients both with or without Feng Shui